About Me

My name is Heather Klein and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am working on a degree in Elementary Education and I have about 2 years left. I hope to become a first grade teacher and then work on my Masters degree. I cannot wait to start teaching!!!! I am caring, determined, and enjoy helping children. This is why I think I will be a great teacher.
pink;">My Teaching Philosophy


My second value would have to be commitment. I think that commitment is very important for the teacher, student, and the parent. My definition of commitment is when I am committed to my students, their parents, and the administration. I need to be able to give my very best and nothing less to all of these people. The administration needs to know that I am committed to them and that I am ready to do whatever they ask of me. Also, I need to be dedicated to my students and they need to know that. I need to be able to give them the best of my ability and they need to be able to notice that I am doing my best, without me having to say it. By doing this, I feel that my students will view me as a role model; therefore, I will earn their respect. I need to be committed to my students' parents and I need to make it aware to them that they can come to me for anything, concerning their children. All of these people need to know that I am committed to each and every one of them and I will do my job to the best of my ability. This will help me because everyone will know that I am dedicated and it may make things run smooth.