About Me

My name is Heather Klein and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am working on a degree in Elementary Education and I have about 2 years left. I hope to become a first grade teacher and then work on my Masters degree. I cannot wait to start teaching!!!! I am caring, determined, and enjoy helping children. This is why I think I will be a great teacher.
pink;">My Teaching Philosophy

My Teaching Philosophy

I have six top values and the are: compassion, commitment, continued personal learning, fairness, trust, and authority. The reason I chose these six is because I think that they will all be very useful in my classroom.

My main priority is to teach the class to the best of my ability. I will do this by making sure that I have interesting lessons and by making sure that every student understands what I am teaching. I will do anything I have to in order to make the student understand, even if it means after school tutoring. I want my students to be able to learn and I do not want to be the reason why they cannot learn something. Some other priorities of mine include: doing whatever the administration needs me to,working with the parents, and making an impact on my students' lives.

My expectations for all of my students will be high and they will know exactly what I expect from them. I will have my own expectations set high as well. I want all of my students to succeed and I too want to succeed. Working with both the students and the parents, I believe that all of my students will achieve. Parent involvement is a big deal for me. I think that things would be so much better if the parents were involved. This gives the parents an opportunity to be a part of their child's educational and learning process.

My students can expect my best in everything I do. I will try to do everything to the best of my ability. They can trust me and if they have any kind of problems they can always come and talk to me. I will work with them, if they need me to. I will be their inspiration, motivation, and guidance.